“Education should be started with mathematics. For it forms well
designed brains that are able to reason right. It is even admitted that
those who have studied mathematics during their childhood should be
trusted, for they have acquired solid bases for arguing which become
to them a sort of second nature”.
Ibn Khaldun, al-Muqaddima (born in 1332, Tunis), historian, sociologist, philosopher
Strongest personalities of Arabo-Muslim culture in the period of its deline.
Mathematics in everyday life
1. On a basic level you need to be able to count, multiply, substract and divide. Mathematics is around us. It is present in different forms whenever we pick up the phone, manage the money, travel to some place, play soccer, meet new friends; unintentionally in all these things mathematics is involved.
2. There are huge illustrations that testify the presence of mathematics in everything that we are doing. We hope you will enjoy the following slides that illustrate mathematics in everyday life. Enjoy!
Cooking: the idea of proportion
For a Chocolate cake: 5 eggs,3/4 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of vegetable
Bank: savings and credit
With some good understanding of simple and compound interest,
you can manage the way your money grows.
Chance to win in lottery: Probalility
The mathematical concept that deals with the chance of winning
a lottery game is probability...
Geometry in clothing
Geometry in clothing
By Neesahantani
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